"Resisting Incarceration Culture: Art as Survival" is seeking artwork by CCA students, alumni, staff, & faculty
Accepting submissions for an exhibition curated by Malic Amalya, Annah Anti-Palindrome, & Michael Washington at the Oliver Art Center, California College of the Arts on January 21-31, 2020
Submissions Due: November 30, 2019 at 11:59pm
Notification Date: December 8, 2019
Exhibition Description:
Based in ideologies of white supremacy, xenophobia, capitalism, classism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia, “incarceration culture” artificially divides people into categories of “good/safe” and "bad/dangerous." Incarceration culture creates and maintains the dominant belief that police, prisons, militaries, wars, and militarized borders make “us,” the general population, safer. Meanwhile, a growing number of activists, scholars, and artists are challenging this doctrine and recognizing jails, prisons, juvenile halls, military detention camps, immigration detention centers, and internment camps as sites of violence. "Resisting Incarceration Culture: Art as Survival" is a group exhibition that critically examines state violence and imagines a world without correctional facilities, police, militaries, and borders.
Call for Submissions:
Resisting Incarceration Culture: Art as Survival is seeking artwork, across all fine-arts disciplines, and workshop proposals by California College of the Arts students, alumni, staff, and faculty. We are particularly interested in works that explore the violences of school-to-prison pipeline, the war on drugs, prison labor, racial profiling, police brutality, deportation, and the US/Mexico border. Works that address who the state considers dangerous and who they label a terrorist. Works that make connections across juvenile halls, detention centers, internment camps, and concentration camps. Works that interrogate the intersections of white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia, patriarchy, and capitalism. Works that imagine conflict resolution that circumvents police and military involvement, celebrate connectivity, and depict prison abolition as an act of resilience, resistance, joy, and liberation.
About the Curators:
Malic Amalya is an experimental filmmaker whose films have screened across the US and the world. His work attends to the emotional impact of attachment and estrangement, and the corresponding political repercussions of alliances and enmities. His latest film, RUN!, connects the mythologies and national narratives surrounding war, electrical power plants, insecticide, and transgender inclusion in (and exclusion from) the military. At CCA, Malic teaches 4D in the First Year Department and Civil Disobedience & Artistic Unrest in the UDIST Program, and is a Mentor for the First Year Honors Program.
Annah Anti-Palindrome is a sound-artist, writer, and multi-media performer. She has three full length albums of music— White Knuckle Sonnets, An(n)a(h)log, and Dangling Modifiers— which she has toured with throughout the US and Canada. A Lambda Literary Fellow, staff writer for Everyday Feminism Magazine, and co-founder of Oakland’s Deviant Type Press, her writing has appeared in a number of magazines and anthologies. Her first full-length book of poetry, DNA Hymn, was released in October 2016 by Sibling Rivalry Press. Annah teaches in the Critical Studies Department at CCA.
Michael Washington is an adjunct faculty member in the Critical Studies Department at CCA. He earned his Ph.D in Continental Philosophy from Kingston University (UK), and his research lies at the intersections of queer theory, critical race studies, and Black feminist thought.
Important Dates:
Exhibition Dates: January 21-31, 2020
Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 22, 5:30-7:30pm
Art Drop Off Dates: December 10 & 18, 2019
Art Pick Up Date: January 31, 2020
*Image credit: Installation by Claudia Lutz, 2018