CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS - Student Book Arts Competition 2019
Each year CCA Libraries juries a competition for students producing original book art in conjunction with a CCA course. The submissions are evaluated based on handcraft, content, and research & design. Three $200 prizes are awarded, and winning entries become part of the libraries' artists' book collection. All entries are on display in Simpson Library through mid-June.
Best Handmade Book - Chug Soda Coupons by Yuri Knighten
Best Creative Content - The Reneger by Lyssa Park
Best Research & Book Design - radical(ly) black femme by Lastarla "Star" Barker
Congratulations as well to all our students who entered
This year we had a record-breaking 40 entries, beating last year's record of 36. It was very difficult to choose winners - there were so many excellent entries. Stop by Simpson Library to see them all:
Alia Moussa, Bloock
Antonio Vidal de Lascurain, M + A
Ayesha Munot, Invisible Entities
Darian Newman, Barbary Coast / Jackson Square
Eunji Lee, The Tasty Wharf
(Sarah) Frederick Woken, The Valley
(Sarah) Frederick Woken, Too Good to be True
Geonjoo Shin, Anna
Geonjoo Shin, B.B
Haoxin Huang, When They Collide
Ian Wheelock, Little Black Book
Ian Wheelock, Rockette
Ingrid Yang, Roji
Jane Trieu, Oblivion
Jane Trieu, The Surreal Experience “pop-up book”
Jeiko da Silveira, Step into my Trip
Jocelyn Khosla, Between the Berries
Joseph Blake, A Hypertext Document to the Worldwide Web
Joseph Blake, House Muse-Ick
Kallista Salim, A Trail from Elsewhere
Karen-Symone Lee, King Uncle World
Karina Kristensen, Every Different Hour
Kyle Davis, Sensing 18th
Lastarla “Star” Barker, radical(ly) black femme
Lyssa Park, The Reneger
Megan Soohoo & Yifan Chen, Full Moon
Menaja Ganesh, Second Death
Michaela Realiza, In Between Two Deaths
Qichun Zhang, (Alone with my Thoughts)
Rebecca Kao, Pink
Ronzi Damian, Destruction: 9 Class A Fears and Anxieties
Samia Fakih, Glitch
Samia Fakih, Merboy
Stephanie Silva, You have one Fear
Will Betke-Brunswick, Ben and “Friends”
Will Betke-Brunswick, Indoor Femme Tries on his Summer Butch
Xiaoyi Yang, What is Hidden
Yuri Knighten, Chug Soda Coupons
Yuri Knighten, Flash Light and the Funketelechtical Legacy of the P-Funk Mob
Ziyao Wang, To My Wife